Was born in Osijek on May 13, 1981. He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. During his days at the Academy he was involved in projects "Četvrta sestra" (Dubrovnik Summer Festival), "Snježna kraljica" (Žar Ptica Theatre), "TOP" (&TD Theatre), "U noći" (Kufer Theatre), "Sud Nebeski "(Kerempuh Theatre), "Bljesak zlatnog zuba" i "Vodena koka" (CNT in Osijek), "Brijačice" (Mala Scena Theatre), "Ništa nas ne smije iznenaditi" (Kerempuh Theatre), "Shakespeare na Exit" (Exit Theatre). Since October 2006 he has been a full time member of ''Trešnja'' Theatre's ensmble. He performed in plays "Ljepotica i Zvijer" (''Beauty and the Beast''), "Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića", "Oliver Twist" i "Ne,prijatelj!" (''Robinson & Crusoe''). He's a full time member of Gavella Theatre's ensemble since January 2011.